The other website maintenance

Do you manage the content on your website, write blog posts, respond to customer inquiries, complete sales, and posts products out to customers?

The last thing you need is to see is your website out of action, probably not as extreme, but a bit like showing up to work to find your shop has burnt to the ground!

What’s the plan if your WordPress site gets hacked, defaced or accidentally damaged? Do you have backups in place? Do you know how to restore your site from a backup, and do you think you’ll have time to learn once something goes wrong?

At Munch Design we offer our clients ongoing maintenance packages, for a modest fee, billed monthly, we include:

  • Premium Website hosting
  • Off-site backups
  • Proactive security defence
  • Security monitoring
  • Website stats via Google Analytics
  • Scheduled maintenance of your sites code base and add-ons

This removed the burden of technical site management from our clients, allowing them to focus on business.

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