
It's how customers identify and relate to your business, that's pretty important.

Your first point of contact, and every touch point you have with your audience.

A brand goes beyond a logo and is effectively a combination of every touchpoint your business has with your customer. From the colours that represent your business to how the phone is answered or customers are addressed in person.

Munch Design takes a solution-based approach to brand creation and we'll always ask you 'what problem are you trying to solve' or 'who do you serve' to guide the discovery phase in the right direction. Getting the fundamentals right from the start can have a huge impact on the final value of a brand so that's what we do.

Outland Resources - Rebrand

Case study

Project Brief - Outland Resources provides commercial tree planting services. Outland came to us in need of a refreshed identity that would achieve several things, specifically:

  1. To distance the business image from the Canadian company of the same name
  2. Present the business as industry-leading experts, modern, innovative and supportive (aspirational to work for)
  3. A versatile branding package that will allow successful implementation in a variety of applications

Solution - After meeting with Greg (from Outland Resources) and establishing the goals of the branding project, we proceeded to research and develop a holistic solution that both transitioned the image of the business from its previous incarnation to a more modern, and relevant representation of both the nature of the young, outdoor and adventurous teams that actually put the trees in the ground.

Response - We produced this bold and confident logo, built from dynamic shapes that references the heritage Outland logotype. The highlighted ‘A’ represents an abstract tree icon, with the circle representing the renewal of the tree planting process at the core of Outland Resources's service offering, this icon also has the potential to become a standalone, recognisable logo as the business matures.

Outcome - Outland Resources now has a brand that represents their business, differentiates them from previous business partners, and provides a visual cue and image that the young and passionate work crews can connect with and continue to build upon the brand culture.

Step Outside, move your way

Case study

Project Overview - Step Outside, mover your way is a localised social marketing project, aimed at increasing older adults’ (55+) participation in active recreation, utilising the natural environment of the South Coast (Victoria).

The primary target audience of this campaign is older adults (Over 55s) who reside within the South Coast (Bass Coast & South Gippsland Local Government Areas). Considering the environments surrounding, this target group and their access to information and awareness of what is available in the South Coast.

Commissioned by South Coast Primary & Community Partnership

Produced in partnership with Seagrass Films.

Solution - Focused on the positive impact of taking the action of stepping outside. The gentle yet clear graphic device of a curved arrow provides a positive directive to take action and ‘step outside’, be that getting out of the house or onto the beach for a walk. Contrast with location-specific photography and often highlights the participants within the environment.

Suicide Prevention Initiative - Brand creation

Case study

Overview - The Suicide Prevention Place-Based Trial is an initiative in Western Victoria to develop coordinated and collaborative strategies for reducing the rate of death by suicide. Munch Design was contracted to produce a brand solution to help identify and position the initiative in the community.

Brief - Create a brand that:

  1. supports the communication needs of the trials
  2. provides a clear vision for the nature of the trials
  3. resonates with the community
  4. encapsulates the complex nature of the issue
  5. empowers and gives hope to individuals and the community
  6. expresses a sense of support for individuals from communities

Our solution - Umbrella Smile

An organic hand-drawn approach gives a soft, personalised feel to the brand.

When you feel sad, a smile from someone can go a long way in lifting your spirits and provide a sense of comfort and support.

That is what this brightly coloured symbol endeavours to do, it reflects an optimistic outlook and a sunny disposition, and it greets you with a “smile”.

The upside-down umbrella creates a “smile” but it also evokes the idea that we are going to catch the rain or tears and it’s buoyant, the boat-like shape is also representative of the support for individuals.

A comprehensive style guide was produced and supplied to the client to support the rollout of the brand across multiple channels.

Do you have a branding project and are not sure where to start?

Check out our guide to getting the most out of working with a designer, here. We think it's a great starting point to get you thinking strategically about your branding needs.

Work with us!

Looking for a creative agency that will listen to your business needs and address them continually throughout a project and beyond? We collaborate with businesses to deliver successful outcomes. We get a kick out of watching our clients grow, it keeps us coming back for more and we believe businesses thrive on long-term creative relationships.

Book a free 15 minute strategy call to see if we'd be a good fit to move your business to the next level.

Contact Us

Luke Hallam

0414 766 260

Located in Corindi Beach, NSW. Servicing the Coffs Coast and surrounds.

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